STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® stands for customer confidence and high product safety. STANDARD 100 label on a textile article means you can be certain that every component of this article, i.e. every thread, button and other accessories, has been tested for harmful substances and that the article therefore is harmless for human health. Independent institutes and laboratories that test the products take into account numerous regulated and non-regulated substances, which may be harmful to human health.
Download certificateKlasyczna koszulka polo z długim rękawem, 100% bawełny czesanej ring spun. Dzianinowy kołnierzyk i mankiety, taśma kołnierzykowa, podwójne szycie na barkach i wzdłuż ramion i kołnierzyka. Guziki w dobranym kolorze, boczne rozcięcia.